Friday, November 20, 2009

Kick a$$. Testify

Ja I know the heading is a LITTLE bit naughty. But then if I was well behaved this wouldn't be my blog. For those of you who want to have your testimony on my blog just  email me or contact me on facebook. I can email the interview to you. Just send it back with a pic attached ( of you of course. no point having ten pics spongebob & Nataniel with your  interview) & voila! Instantly tell a bajillion people about what happened to me time..ta da!

Oh JA!! email:

& please like ive stated at the top of my blog everything on here is my OPINION. Please dont use this an excuse to send me hate email. I will just delete it & assume that you need to consider getting a hobby (going on dates with hamsters & cardboard cut-outs doesn't count!!)


OK. So we've all heard that a million times..and for some its probably become a cheesy one-liner. The same "Christians" chanting HELL at gay pride parades (its usually the adulterous, porn watching, fornicating types) who are the first to show up brandishing signs to "help" people come to know the "truth" . I think its so easy to get caught up in good works & self-righteousness. Yes its true sin MINUS Jesus = HELL.BUT I dont know about you, but I tend to put sin into categories. Like THAT is TERRIBLE, but THIS that Im doing is sort of Ok? Right??Nope. Sin IS sin. God is GOD. His ways are righteousness & justice. No middle ground there. IS it just me? I need Jesus everyday. I NEED the FINISHED atoning work of the cross in my life everyday. The only way to become socially relevant life changing people, is to accept grace. Grace sets us free. Grace turns you around & puts you on your feet. Love & forgiveness goes a long way to heal. Now think of it this way. PERFECT love & forgiveness. To the extent that you have the RIGHT to stand in the very throne room before Father GOD.Not as myself approaching the throne of course, Ive fallen short. BUT. JESUS WAS PERFECT. And HE is my ADVOCATE . My representation before the Father. So when you pray you can know that in the spirit you are standing in the very presence of God in His throne room. Father doesnt see me Hes sees the perfect Holy Blood of Jesus. Holy. Perfect. Sanctified.
(Jusr needed a moment there)
(say wow backwards)
(shake your tail feather)
(or not, you might scare your neighbors..or the dogs..I will not be held responsible for your therapy bill... )

Jesus LOVES YOU..thats right. Just the way you are. Not because of what you have done. But because of who HE IS.
He came to save us. Jesus LOVES you. Those three words are more powerful than a heaping spoonful of regret & hatefully, hastily spat out "YOU ARE GOING TO HELL"(dont get me wrong Jesus spoke about hell all the time, He just never did it in a humiliating cruel way to look good at anothers expense). If every christian could faithfully, respectfully love & serve one other person the hands & feet of Jesus would be everywhere. People would GET IT.
Just think a socially relevent network that preached the gospel & if neccessary used THATS a dream..excited?. Me too.